Thursday 21 June 2012


Name: Katherine Dixon

Project Title: Personal Portraits

Fine Art Pathway: Final Major Project Proposal

I have chosen Fine Art as my pathway because I like the open ended and unrestricted nature of Fine Art, and I believe I am better suited to working in this way, rather than within the more specific constraints of the design process. On this course I have explored a wide range of media and processes. I have used grids as method to develop and produce a variety of ideas and images. My strengths are in photography and drawing, both of which I can use to collect information and to generate ideas for paintings. I have also learnt how to use a wide range of materials and produced mixed media pieces; this has become my other main interest. Contextual research is my main weakness, I know I can develop and improve this aspect of my work and I intend to use this assignment partially as an opportunity to broaden my knowledge of other art, particular contemporary art.

Ideas and Concepts
I intend to research and investigate the theme of portraits. To provide imagery to use as starting points for my project proposal I will initially use photography and drawing. I hope then to develop my ideas using a range of materials and media; for example: printmaking, collage and painting. I intend to use my family and friends as subjects, hence the title ‘Personal Portraits’. I am inspired by the way in which both Van Gogh and Frida Kahlo frequently used themselves as models.

Contextual Research
I particularly like paintings that use collage and/or new technology such David Hockney's recent iPad pieces. David Hockney is a key influence on me as he works in this way. I will also research: Chuck Close, Gary Hume, Henri Matisse, Alice Kettle, Frida Kahlo and Van Gogh.

Techniques and Presentation
I have used photography to gather information and to get images to work from. I will also work from direct observation in particular when working on the self-portraits, when I can use mirror. I will also produce mixed media pieces, combining family photography and panting, and by overprinting and simplifying photography imagery. I am using a computer to manipulate images through Photoshop to emphasis and enhance qualities within the imagery.

Evaluation and Progression
I will compare my own work against that of the artist that I have researched into and that have influenced me in this project. I am intending to evaluate the project while it is in progress and on completion. I will refer back to the initial aims and objectives of my proposal.
I am going to ask for feedback from the tutors and my peers through out the course.  

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