Friday 22 June 2012

Henri Matisse

Henri Matisse, 1905. Oil on canvas
Blue Nude II, 1952. Stencil
The Circus (Jazz), 1943. Stencil

Design for Backdrop of Strange Farandole, 1938. Gouache on paper cut-out

Alice Kettle

Head II Cele, 2008. Linen cotton, rayon, metallic thread. Machine stitch
Auge, 2009. Pencil, watercolour pencil on paper.
Odyssey, 2003. Threads, fabrics on canvas
Pause, 2009. Threads, fabrics on canvas

Thursday 21 June 2012


This is the exhibition space that we have to get really and  to put up own work up for this unit.

David Hockney

  Jonathan Silver, 1997
The Skater, NY, 1982

Mother 1, Yorkshire Moors, 1985

North Yorkshire, 1997

April 20th May 19th 2011, The Tunnel 5pm and 8.10am. Digital video.

Yosemite 1, October 5th 2011. IPad drawing printed on six sheets of paper mounted on six sheets of Dibond.

When I saw Hockeny's recent work I was inspired how he used technology in his work also using the traditional painting style also.

These are websites links about David Hockeny's recent work:
One is a Culture Show Special that was broadcast on TV, BBC 2, 27 Feb, 2012.
Presenter - Andrew Marr.
Director - Roger Parsons.
Particpant - David Hockeny

The other is the BBC News, entertaiment that show some examples of his work that was showing at the Royal Academy.


Barringer T & Devaney E David Hockney A Bigger Picture, Thames & Hudson Ltd London: High Holborn (2012). ISBN 978-0-500-09366-5

Bonham-Carter C & Hodge D The Contemporary Art Book, Goodman London: Mortimer (2009). ISBN 978 84796 005 4

Bonafoux P Van Gogh, Grange Books Kent (1989). ISBN 1-80413-180-2

Ellyn G Van Gogh, Grange Books Kent: Rochester (2003). ISBN 1-84013-563-8

Ernst M Une Semaine DE Bonte, A Surrealistic Novel in Collage, Dover Publications, INC, New York. (1976). ISBN 978-0-486-23252-2

Hockney D Hockney’s Pictures, Thames & Hudson Ltd London: High Holborn (2004). ISBN 0-500-09314-8

Kettle A & McKeating J Machine Stitch Perspectives, A & C Black Publishers Limited London: Soho Square (2010). ISBN 978-07136-8868-9

Milner F Frida Kahlo, Bison Books Ltd London: Fulham Road (1995. ISBN 1-85841-160-2

Neret G Matisse, Taschen America: Los Angeles (1997). ISBN 978-3-8228-5020-6

Storr R Chuck Close The Museum of Modern Art, New York, The Museum of 

Modern Art New York, (1998). ISBN 0-87070-067-7

David Hockney RA: A Bigger Picture, Royal Academy of Arts, London. February.

Culture Show Special, TV, BBC 2 27 Feb, 2012

Frida, [DVD], (2002) Director Julie Taymor 


Name: Katherine Dixon

Project Title: Personal Portraits

Fine Art Pathway: Final Major Project Proposal

I have chosen Fine Art as my pathway because I like the open ended and unrestricted nature of Fine Art, and I believe I am better suited to working in this way, rather than within the more specific constraints of the design process. On this course I have explored a wide range of media and processes. I have used grids as method to develop and produce a variety of ideas and images. My strengths are in photography and drawing, both of which I can use to collect information and to generate ideas for paintings. I have also learnt how to use a wide range of materials and produced mixed media pieces; this has become my other main interest. Contextual research is my main weakness, I know I can develop and improve this aspect of my work and I intend to use this assignment partially as an opportunity to broaden my knowledge of other art, particular contemporary art.

Ideas and Concepts
I intend to research and investigate the theme of portraits. To provide imagery to use as starting points for my project proposal I will initially use photography and drawing. I hope then to develop my ideas using a range of materials and media; for example: printmaking, collage and painting. I intend to use my family and friends as subjects, hence the title ‘Personal Portraits’. I am inspired by the way in which both Van Gogh and Frida Kahlo frequently used themselves as models.

Contextual Research
I particularly like paintings that use collage and/or new technology such David Hockney's recent iPad pieces. David Hockney is a key influence on me as he works in this way. I will also research: Chuck Close, Gary Hume, Henri Matisse, Alice Kettle, Frida Kahlo and Van Gogh.

Techniques and Presentation
I have used photography to gather information and to get images to work from. I will also work from direct observation in particular when working on the self-portraits, when I can use mirror. I will also produce mixed media pieces, combining family photography and panting, and by overprinting and simplifying photography imagery. I am using a computer to manipulate images through Photoshop to emphasis and enhance qualities within the imagery.

Evaluation and Progression
I will compare my own work against that of the artist that I have researched into and that have influenced me in this project. I am intending to evaluate the project while it is in progress and on completion. I will refer back to the initial aims and objectives of my proposal.
I am going to ask for feedback from the tutors and my peers through out the course.  

Sunday 10 June 2012

Development idea 2

 Using the stencils from uint 6, I use this idea to create a lino print  using complimentary colours. 

Kim mentioned that the face is abstract with the bubble background will be to distracting and the face was less noticeable.

While I made the prints more noticeable, I used yellow thread to embroidered into the print. I thought  it will be more interesting. 

I thought I could print these on canvas sheets then embroidered into them with the complimentary colours for example red and green in different shades.

Chuck Close

 Joe, 1969. Acrylic on canvas.

Alex II, 1989. Oil on canvas

 Elizabeth, 1989. Oil on canvas

 Self-Portrait, 1997.Oil on canvas