Monday 28 May 2012

Frida Kahlo

Self-portrait Wearing a Velvet dress, 1926. Oil on canvas.

Thinking about Death, 1943. Oil on canvas mounted on masonite.
Diego in my Thoughts, 1943. Oil on masonite.

The Broken Column, 1944. Oil on masoite.
Self-portrait Dedicated to Leon Trotsky, 1937. Oil on masonite.
Portrait of Diego Rivera, 1937. Oil on masonite.
The Two Fridas, 1939. Oil on canvas.

Kahlo's most work used symbols to show the "female struggle in a world of patriarchal domination." In her other work the author also worte, "her confessional paintings, full of symbols of physical fortitude," (page 6).  I think in some of her self-portraits paintings it shows her pain, her thoughts, for example Thinking about Death, 1943 and Diego in my Thoughts, 1943.

Fida Kahlo
Frank Milner
First published in 1995
Bison Books Ltd
ISBN 1-85841-160-2

Sunday 27 May 2012

Vincent Van Gough

Portrait of a Woman in Blue, 1885. Oil on canvas.
Self-Portrait with Bandased Ear, 1889. Oil on canvas.
Still Life: Vase with Fifteen Sunflowers, 1888. Oil on canvas.
Self-Portraint, 1889. Oil on canvas.
The Sower, 1889. Oil on canvas.
Prisoners' Round,1890. Oil on canvas.
Portrait of Armand Roulin, 1888. Oil on canvas.
Portrait of Trabue, 1889. Oil on canvas.

I looked at Van Gough and Kahlo because I wanted to look at the different paint styles.

Sunday 20 May 2012

Here are the stages of the A1 painting.

From my development ideas of the complimentary colours and Gary Hume, which I based on his style of make the face simple that you can hardly see the face, instead I what make it so you can still see the face. Also I wanted to see what the development idea will look like on a bigger scale.

I feel the A1 painting is good but differs from the development ideas which I used photocopies. For the A1 painting, I drew visual from a photo and looking at the development ideas.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Gary Hume

Four Doors 1, 1989/90. Oil on four panels.
Cerith, 1998. Screenprint on paper.
Young Woman, 1998, Screenprint on paper.
Angel,1998. Screenprint on paper.
Water Painting, 1999. Household painting on aluminium panel.

"By rending his works anonymous, Hume turns his back on his viewers, but only so that they might find their own faces reflected in the surface of the work."
In most of his paintings there are in block of matt or gloss paint seeing the reflections on the surface, in some of this painting he makes them with no face or the base high line of the face.

The Contemporay Art book
Charlotte Bonham-Carter and David Hodge
First published in 2009
ISBN 9871847960054

Monday 14 May 2012

Development idea

I have photocopy the photoshop manipulations pictures to develop a idea using the style from an artist, Gary Hume, that Richard mentioned. I used complimentary colours to simulate his style and I re-looked at the photoshop photos for inspiration.

I used gouache paint but it did not look right. I think it was too chaotic and the paint was not appropriate with the paper.

I prefer the acrylics because in general the colours looked better than the gouache.

These are the gouache paintings. 

These are the acrylics paintings.   


Sunday 13 May 2012

The Pitch

In the pitch I showed the tutors my two ideas, portraits and identity.
They were impressed with my portrait idea I think of its abstract nature and reminded them of a artist, Henri Matisse, that I could use as research for my sketch book.
I think they suggested the portrait idea because it follows from unit 6 and the ideas are much stonger than my identity idea.

I was filmed during the pitch.

Thursday 10 May 2012

Identity idea part 2

After I looked at Max Ernst I started to think how to show my mental identity. I started to look at seashells  and drawing them as part of visual research, I hoped to do a collage in different media.

Friday 4 May 2012

Max Ernst

I chose Max Ernst because I am interested in surrealism. I think his work has humor, character and a narrative also I find that some of his work is frightening.

I thought that I could use this artist to inspired me to use as a mental identity idea with surrealism and mix media.

Thursday 3 May 2012


Primary research of photos that I took for the identity idea and landscapes.